A cricket bat in the Pearl’s Peril hidden object game

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Send your pictures of cricket bats and other cricket stuff in unusual places to king@kingcricket.co.uk. Feel free to put the cricket thing in the unusual place yourself.

Jayne with a Y spotted this cricket bat in the Pearl’s Peril hidden object game. “The ridiculous English language description is ‘fungo bat’ (a baseball term),” she said.

Obvious question here: What is Pearl’s Peril?

Jayne said: “There are a few more complications, but essentially you find hidden (and not so hidden) objects in scenes to earn in game ‘stuff’ and that allows you reveal a pretty lame plot.

“Monetization via in-app purchases is pretty aggressive, but once you’ve figured things out you can play at a decent clip without spending actual cash. There are tons of languages, and the translations can be a bit iffy – ham came up as jamón (Spanish) once.

“Along the way you’ll have to know (or learn) what things like a kota and a hamsa are. They get loudspeaker/tannoy, bullhorn and megaphone mixed up. And they’ve just put a cricket bat in a Japanese garden – but then again they put snakes in Hawai’i and THERE ARE NO SNAKES IN HAWAI’I.”

If you want to get more of a feel for the game, Jayne points out that pissed-off Pearl, “looks a right bitch.”

She also highlighted this adorable baby llama.

And these rude rock formations.

“And to balance the cute llama there is a creepy AF clown.”

In no way exposing our slow speed in publishing these things, Jayne got back to us three months later to inform us there’d been another cricket bat, “and I think it was called that.”


Or WG Grace and Billy Murdoch will be forced to come round your house and...

... do things...


      1. One of the most disturbing things I have found on the internet – though perhaps I haven’t been looking in all the right/wrong places – is someone giving a positive video review to EastEnders The Arcade Game. It made me feel genuine concern for the reviewer’s wellbeing. Though if they find this pleasantly enjoyable, maybe they find everything else in life ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and are having a whale of a time? On the bright side this review does let you know how the game is intended to be played, the ostensible relationship between “gameplay” events and the plot of the BBC soap, and the identity of the disproportionately drawn baby you kill by neglect during the game. (If you can’t kill a baby during Pearl’s Peril, and the pram icon does not turn red to signify your utter failure as a human being, I refuse to accept it’s as creepy as EastEnders The Arcade Game.)


  1. More than wanting to know the etymology of the word “fungo,” I want to know why the Real Man Growth Challenge advertisement I saw while reading this article has “steal like an artist” as point #18. Poverty makes you an efficient thief, maybe, and this can be useful in the corporate world? The self help world used to be easier to navigate: just read The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, or attend an ayahuasca ceremony.
    The Australian band Silverchair have a fanclub called The Llama Appreciation Society, I believe.

  2. Not saying the events of the Willis are karma or anything, but Lancs CCC’s decision to diddle cancelled fifth-test ticket-holders out of the £3 postage fee for tickets that we had to print at home anyway from our (as yet unpaid) refunds sticks in the craw somewhat. That’s a pint of mild or at least three barm cakes in today’s money!

  3. I’ve been playing this Android game called “Murder in the Alps”, which is set in a small town in Italy in the 1930s that seems a bit like an Italian version of Midsomer. And you have to find hidden objects as well. Most of them are things you would actually find in Italy in the 1930s, but there is the occasional cricket bat or baseball. I always wonder how they got there, but there never is a story.

    1. Pearl’s Peril (which I’ve completed but still occasionally play in Dutch) is allegedly set in 1929, but there have been turbofan jet engines & and an implausible Austin, Texas skyline.

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