Lancashire Legends destroy Yorkshire

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Glen Chapple delivers an inspirational team talk

Being as you were all unmoved by yesterday’s references to ludicrous Eighties fantasy film, Legend, we’ve decided to put three more references into today’s post as punishment.

The title is one reference. See if you can spot the other two. They are both subtle and clever.

In yesterday’s Roses match, Lancashire were as hard to ignore as TIM CURRY IN LEGEND as they set about skittling Yorkshire for just 141. Gary Keedy got four, as did Farveez Maharoof who has thus far proven to be a cracking overseas signing.

Many observers felt that Yorkshire’s batting was as insipid as TOM CRUISE IN LEGEND.


Or WG Grace and Billy Murdoch will be forced to come round your house and...

... do things...


  1. Why isn’t this match held during half term / over the bank holiday weekend, any more?

    Why isn’t it shown live on national television any more?

    My heritage has been ripped to shreds like so much confetti…

  2. We have to seriously ask ourself whether we really want to write a website where people don’t engage with posts that reference ludicrous Eighties film, Legend, which starred Tom Cruise and Tim Curry.

    1. It’s got Tim Curry out of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Clue in it, Tom Cruise out of Risky Business in it, and it’s directed by Ridley Scott out of directing of Blade Runner and Alien. I haven’t seen it, but I assume it’s about a confused android wearing suspenders and a basque impregnated by an alien from space while trying to find who murdered the chap who is trying to blackmail him for running a brothel in his dad’s house so he can earn enough money to repair his car which he trashed while trying too hard to get laid, and that it has eight different endings. If so, what could possibly be wrong with it?

    2. Yes! Thank you.

      We were starting to think that this website was actually a Truman Show style care in the community device where we were the unwitting subject/patient.

      We thought the conspicuous refusal to acknowledge our Legend references was the readership’s way of finally revealing to us that they weren’t actually appreciative of our work in reality, but were merely employed by some governmental agency to humour us so that we didn’t descend into clinical depression.

      We genuinely did think that.

    3. He’s still living his life entirely in terms of films he’s seen, doctor. I think you should maintain the charade a bit longer.

  3. What the hell is going on with Yorkshire? If I remember correctly, they were supposed to be the favorites to win the title. Now they are getting thrashed by pretty much every team.

  4. Hey, look what happens when you put out half a side.


  5. You think you have won! What is light without dark? What are you without me? I am a part of you all. You can never defeat me. We are brothers eternal!

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