Regular King Cricket correspondent Ged Ladd has some extremely exciting Rob Key news. We are especially pleased with the revelation contained within his final sentence because the activity described is one in which we pride ourself. The knowledge that our hero is also a keen practitioner is deeply gladdening.
Regular King Cricket contributor Ged Ladd writes…
Prior to his broadcasting career, Rob Key was both a fine cricketer and also a much-lauded capybara jockey. The photographic evidence of the latter is below, following its initial publication on this very website some 12 years ago as The Greatest Post Of All Time.

On the second day of the first 2021 Test match at Lord’s, I caught said rider of animals being conspicuously indifferent to cricket while in the Allen Stand Gap beside the great pavilion, during the over before tea.
I feel bound to report to you that Rob Key was not being distracted by anything in particular – certainly not by me. This was “staring into space” indifference pure and simple.
If you’ve got a picture of an animal being conspicuously indifferent to cricket, please send it to
Given that this was the over before tea strongly suspect this apparent indifference was in fact deep thought re nice slice of gala pie and a wedge of battenburg
The greatest post of all time is back. As in ‘returned’. It hasn’t got ankylosing spondylitis or anything.
Ceci n’est pas une tourtière
I imagine Rob is currently sat somewhere staring into space contemplating Jimmy Anderson’s annihilation of the Kent batting lineup earlier today, or possibly just what a ridiculous game of cricket is occurring at Old Trafford at the moment
He is probably thinking ‘I would love to chop you up and eat you as a pie filling’.
Trying to discern specific thoughts behind such an indifferent look is surely an exercise in futility.
Far easier to describe is my own mindset when I spotted Rob Key in the depicted pose, so close to my seat in the Allen Stand…
…untrammelled child-like glee, combined with a fumbling rush to photograph the moment on my smart phone.
The squad to face Pakistan could be pretty interesting:
Darren Stevens call-up imminent?
It’s the right thing to do.
Following the link to The Greatest Post Of All Time, it heartened me greatly to see that the page ended in the following fashion:
“Neil Wagner
Comments are closed.”
Because no more comments are needed, is the subtext.
(Only slightly spoiled by being informed below this that the WordPress Theme of the site is Maxwell.)