Jonathan Trott – the king of relentlessness finally relents

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Photo by Sarah Ansell
Photo by Sarah Ansell

Our proper Jonathan Trott retirement piece is over on All Out Cricket. Other than that, here are two old posts which sum up different aspects of a top, top player.

The first focuses on the sheer relentlessness of the man – surely his defining quality. If we have a happier memory of not watching cricket than going to bed with Jonathan Trott batting in an Ashes Test Down Under and waking up to find him still doing so, we don’t know what it is.

The second is an appreciation of his bowling, which we’ll miss almost as much as his batting. Many a tense moment has been marked by a ‘get Trott on’ tweet from this writer. You can’t beat a bit of dobble at a crucial juncture in an innings.


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  1. Farewell, Trotty, thanks for all the Aussie-whooping memories.

    Possibly my favourite Trotty moment came at the end of his 168* at Melbourne in 2010 when last man Anderson was dismissed. Trotty went back to his crease and continued digging his trench, momentarily not realising the innings was over.

  2. I realise it’s a typo, but I quite like the image conjured up by the line ‘a cricket flying at you at 90mph’. That is genuinely terrifying.

  3. Lovely piece on Jonathan Trott. I loved the final paragraph about him and Haddin.

    It’s sad that his international career ended the way it did but I hope he has plenty to offer Warwickshire in the coming years.

  4. I wish they’d use Ian Bell, he never gets a bowl at all.

    And I hope Trott enjoys his life outside cricket now.

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