Stanford Twenty20 match report

2 minute read We probably should have published this nearer the time when the whole undercutting of the PR hoopla via profound disinterest made more sense. Never mind. Just imagine that it’s Stanford week and you’re sick of it. Miriam writes: The big day started in a bit of a rush as we

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New logo for the Gloucestershire Gladiators

< 1 minute read Gloucestershire’s players are ACTUAL GLADIATORS. Who knew? We always thought Jon Lewis looked more like a musketeer, but what do we know? Gloucestershire’s PR bod, Stephanie Keene, said: “We recognised that our nickname provided the club with a fantastic opportunity to link with the powerful images synonymous with the historic

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Cricket news can live without us

< 1 minute read We’re going away for a week. We’ve written stuff to appear while we’re away, like usual. You can insult us in our absence, like usual. An occasional visitor can point out some major cricket news that we haven’t covered, like usual. And one of you can leave an insulting comment

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Tests at neutral venues

< 1 minute read Zapp Brannigan says: “What makes a good man go neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?” Neutrality sickens us, just as it sickens him. Picturing a neutral crowd at a neutral Test venue sends us into a blind fury at all

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Shoaib Akhtar is a ‘what’

< 1 minute read Pakistan captain, Shoaib Malik, is fed up with waddly, disinterested purveyor of two-over spells, Shoaib Akhtar. “Everyone can see what is out there,” he said about everyone’s favourite one-time fast bowler. Rumour has it that Malik has asked the selectors to replace Akhtar with a patch of slightly longer grass

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