Man dresses as cowboy for money

< 1 minute read It’s Dwayne Smith and it’s one of the half-hourly Mongoose cricket bat press releases we receive. We have a friend who had to be photographed as a cowboy once. We won’t say why. Not because it’s sinister, but because it sounds sinister if we leave the reason to your imagination.

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A cricket bat invading a rival sport

< 1 minute read Sam writes: Please find attached a picture of a cricket bat in an unusual place, namely being used as a cue in a game of pool. In an attempt to educate our co-worker Vita in the ways of King Cricket, we equipped her with said blade and sent her in

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The Mongoose cricket bat means business

< 1 minute read Specifically, it intends to attend meetings and conferences, do Powerpoint presentations and take care of ‘the bottom line’. Whatever that might mean. The Mongoose is a cricket bat that looks like it’s got a ridiculously long handle, but actually it’s just that the main bit’s shorter. The thinking is that

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A cricket ball in an unusual place

< 1 minute read Ged writes: “You might fancy the attached picture of Hippity (one of Middlesex’s most ardent fans and a well-known correspondent on Middlesex Till We Die) watching cricket while sitting on the bed with his lucky ball. “Given the particular controller he is using, he is clearly watching Ceefax, which is

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A cricket bat at Rumtek monastery

< 1 minute read Ged writes: The attached photograph is a monk at the Rumtek monastery in Sikkim brandishing a cricket bat. It is my own photo and the monk enthusiastically volunteered to be photographed. Rumtek monastery is a very holy and unusual place. The monks are black hats, which is an unusual strand

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A cricket bat on the cover of Vogue

< 1 minute read Warning: The following does feature a photograph of an actual woman. Ankit says: The attached picture is of Preity Zinta, a Bollywood starlet, with a cricket bat, on the cover of Vogue! I thought that was quite an unusual place for a cricket bat to be. Send your pictures of

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A signed cricket bat in multiple places

2 minute read Send us pictures of cricket bats or other cricket stuff in unusual places to Miriam writes: Here is a cricket bat in some unusual places. Specifically, here is the cricket bat signed by the Sussex team that I won through King Cricket, from a lingerie website, around my house.

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A cricket hat on an unusual head

< 1 minute read This is more like it. Pictures of cricket bats and cricket items in unusual places to please. Dan writes: Here is my entry for ‘cricket related things in unsual places’. The item in question is Shane Warne’s hat and the unusual place is ‘on my head’. I’m a primary

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